Art & Education for Children

frühstART is an educational programme run by Bayer Arts & Culture that is aimed at children of pre-school and school age and promotes their aesthetic education.

On our own initiative and in cooperation with educational institutions, we offer children early access to culture with music, theatre, dance and art. In order to stimulate and foster children's curiosity, to stimulate cognitive processes and to contribute to the development of identity and personality, low-threshold contact, a playful approach to the various disciplines and an open environment are very important.
Our frühstART Projects
The frühstART projects of Bayer Arts & Culture are intended as a supplement to existing school offers or as a stimulus for school education processes and pursue the goal of opening up culture to everyone, and especially to the youngest.
Recorder Project "Wild Wood"
How do I get a straight tone out? And how are the tones created? And how do the fingers have to grip? The recorder initially presents many small challenges. But once you have mastered them, it is incredibly fun to play songs with it. No matter whether simple or difficult. Improvising together. Trying out new things. Music should be fun. With this recorder project we would like to dedicate ourselves to musical education and are currently looking for school classes from years 1 to 4 who enjoy making music together.

The Duel of Conductors
What does a conductor actually do? And: Why do you need him at a concert? Why do conductors often wear a tuxedo, and what do they swing a baton for? Questions upon questions. That should be clear: Conductors are extremely important for a concert. They set the beat, all eyes of the orchestra are on them. With such an important task, some of you may even dream of becoming a famous conductor and leading an orchestra. But how do you achieve this? With the musical accompaniment of our "orchestra in residence" l'arte del mondo, the "Conductor's Duel" is an entertaining and entertaining concert for children. And although there is usually only one conductor at a time, two of them are on stage. The format is suitable for school classes from year 3 to 6.

A Life for the Stage
In "A Life for the Stage", artists* from Bayer Arts & Culture's stARTacademy talk about their own careers, their first steps towards music and their very own motivation to go on stage in order to reach listeners*. What does a childhood look like when you have to practise all the time? How many hours do you have to practice at all to become a professional musician? Did the artist always know that he wanted to become a pianist, conductor, violinist etc.? What does the daily routine look like? How does one travel around the world with a cello? Does it get its own seat on the plane? How big is the stage fright before a performance? How is the song selection for a concert made? What is it like to sleep in a hotel so often? Is one homesick? And what does it actually mean for the young artists personally, to be able/may exercise such a profession? These are questions that the artists are only too happy to answer - and which at the same time give them the opportunity to reflect on their own lives and being an artist for themselves. The artists also convey to the children and young people the opportunities they have to deal with music and culture. In concrete terms, for example, learning to play an instrument - regardless of whether it is associated with a professional ambition or out of pure joy in the matter - can also help you in other areas of life.
The format is aimed at school classes in grades 1 to 9.
Theatre Plays "In the Classroom"
In this project, plays on youth-relevant topics are produced together with directors, actors and drama teachers. These plays are performed in schools all year round and support direct contact with the young target group on site. The idea behind it is to strengthen the aesthetic education of young people and to make them familiar and aware of culture and what this area can do for their own personal development in their own environment. The plays carefully selected by Bayer Arts & Culture depict realities that the young people know from their own everyday life or that of friends. The fact that the plays take place in familiar surroundings, their own classroom - and thus in a "protected area" - enables them to engage in an intensive, value-free and lively debate on various topics such as the search for their own identity, family relationships or media education aspects. Directly after the performances, the play and the theme are discussed together with the young people and the participants in a conversation, and the perceptions and newly gained insights of the young people with regard to the communicated theme are sustainably accompanied. The respective teaching staff is involved in all processes. The "classroom plays" create a dialogue between young people and theatre-makers, horizons are broadened, networked thinking is encouraged and one's own creativity and the desire for "more theatre" is stimulated.
The format is suitable for secondary level 2 classes.

Key Visual of the frühstART © iStock